Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Roman Empire Exhibit

Anyone interested and on facebook can join our new group and see our first display board piece:


As you can see, we are hard at work reducing the complexities of Latin history into a few meaningful paragraphs and pretty pictures! Ive definetly gotten back into Rome recently, after reading about Caesar's conquest of Gaul. Masterful, get me the Commentaries for my birthday. But Ill settle for sunshine on the 9th...

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Mobile Museum

The plan is relatively simple. I wish I could claim it as my own, but my partner and inspiration takes the credit here. Thanks Meg :)

We have between us an extensive collection of Strange Old Things. I mean its HUGE! It should be in a museum or something. We dont have a museum, so we are lovingly creating a something instead! Currently we are settung up as an unregistered charity, and building up our kit. A BIG tent, lots of portable display cases, information boards and a brew kit and we are away... Our first stop will be Shipton Bellinger village fair. Its an arts and craft thing, so we just about qualify. it will be the first time ive moved the collection in its current (epic) form, and the first time its gone public. the set up will be a bit of prior planning, and a lot of cuffing it on the day i think!

Anyways, as so often happens on blogs, Ill let you know how it goes. if youre in the area on june 9th, come and see for yourself, its a lot more fun that way :)