Sunday 1 April 2012

A Moral Dilemma

I am currently looking at something at once fascinating and repulsive. No, not The X Factor, something even worse. No picture as yet, but see below for one very similar:

 Republic Srpska Army capbadge

Bosnia, 1991.  Radovan Karadzic  creates a renegade serbian army within Bosnia, which is comprised of Ethnic Serbs and Muslims. Karadzic is supported by Serb leader Milosevic (of kosovo 1999 fame). In 1992, under his leadership, these nationalists begin a campaign of ethnic cleansing, killing non-Serbs. Rape and murder are widespread and systematic. The leaders have pretty much all been rounded up and tried, but of course many of the foot soldiers were not. Those footsoldiers, the renegade Serb army of  Republic Srpska, wore this cap badge on their issue hats. It was apparently confiscated by British soldiers in Bosnia iin the 90s, when the UN finally got their ass in gear and intervened. Ive no idea when or by whom.

Question is, what the hell do I do with it? I ahad a similar dilemma with two nazi medals I have. They were my grandad's (don't worry, I dont have a dark past, he swapped them for cigarettes with German POWs!) They are obviously... controversial. In the end, I displayed them, but tucked away in a cabinet in a corner so you dont see them unless I point them out. Shame in a way, the iron cross was a bravery award, many german soldiers earned them for genuine acts of courage. Then they were handed out like sweets to the Hitler Youth and regulars in 1945. They were not awarded when you committed your 10th consecutive war crime.

This cap badge is different. Maybe the guy who owned it was a random sentry, then he was arrested by the UN. maybe not, there is scope for much much worse in the Bosnian war. Im not displaying it at the moment, its a bit too grotesque. I dont want to sell it, for the same reason i wont sell third reich stuff, it can get into the wrong hands. Its not valuable enough to go to a museum. Anyway, at the moment its sat in my drawer at home gathering dust. If you're not familiar with the Bosnian war, look it up (link below) its important we dont forget this stuff.

Anyway, this hasn't helped my dilemma. Think Ill just leave it where it is. When my son is old enough to appreciate strange old things, hopefully time will have healed somewhat. The he'll probably sell it...

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